This is how the script to handle it’s behaviours and the settings of it’s Rigidbody and Collider: For example we did one quick model of a cylinder but had it sitting on the Z axis instead of X so when we did the “forward” force the bullet would travel sideways. It makes it so much easier to direct objects if their rotations are correct to start with. We had a few different models for bullets over the last few weeks ranging from simple cylinders, to pillows and bean bags, and real bullet shapes. One of the really important lessons we learned from this script is to get the Transforms and X/Y/Z directions of your models imported into Unity in the right direction first up. Var bullet = (GameObject)Instantiate(bulletPrefab,, ) īullet.GetComponent().AddForce(transform.forward * force) This is what it looks like: using UnityEngine After two seconds the bullet is destroyed. The script itself is pretty straightforward: The bullet is spawned at the Gun Transform with a direction and force, the gun noise goes off, and the particle system does smoke and sparks. bullet spawn point), the force at which the bullet is spawned with, the audio for the shot, and the particle system for the smoke (called PartyOn …. There is a “bullet” prefab which we will talk about below, the Gun transform (ie. For firing this is what the FireBullet script exposes in the Editor: Now once we are aiming we can fire (you can shoot at anytime – and straffing is pretty fun – but it’s far easier to hit if you stop and let the auto-aim work for you). If ( = "bad_spy_pnt" || = "Knife_spy") the Player stops moving) then he will automagically rotate towards the Bad Guy and thus aim the gun at him. If there are no _inputs from the Controller (ie. The Player has a wide Trigger Collider out the front that picks up when it hit’s a Bad Guy. The snippet below is the aiming component of the Character Controller. So the Hero Character has a couple of scripts that handle aiming and firing. Here is a sample of game play where our hero blasts away at some chump. After a collision they start to shrink again and get very bouncy. The Bullets are supposed to look like expanding rubber dum dum bullets so they grow out of the gun and enlarge a little bit in-flight. We changed the impact force to be over the top and super exaggerated so that it’s funnier reaction and moved the particle system color to yellow (might change it to stars later on). That said a bullet strike has a pretty huge impact and when we had a red coloured particle system for the blood it looked really gruesome. We wanted to keep the cartoon elements of gun violence in this game and get away from realism as much as possible. The last script attached to the Bad Guy handles the impact effects of the Bullets and the “blood”. The Bullets have their own script that handles Gravity, Acceleration and Animations while alive and during Collisions. Another script attached to the Character handles the firing of the Gun and the spawning of the bullets. One script handles the aiming of the gun as part of the Character Controller. There are of course plenty of ways to do this – but this is the way we do it for this game. There are four scripts that handle the basic Gun actions in our game. The Gun object is used as the spawn point for bullets and smoke is one of two particle systems that go off when the gun fires (the other particle system does sparks and is attached as a component directly to the Game Object). See those two Objects he has as Children “Gun” and “smoke”? They sit invisibly just where the 3D curser is in the image below…just at the end of the gun barrel. This is how he looks in the Unity Scene Editor. This is our hero The LawMan! See he comes with that super powered lawmaster pistol, standard issue bullet proof vest, sherrif’s hat, and a make no mistakes we mean business moustache (can you tell he’s smiling under that?). Sadly in real life guns suck and if you like shooting guns for real stay the heck away from me and my friends.Īnywhoo… this is how we use Guns in Endless Elevator to dispatch the Bad Guys and generally wreak havoc in an otherwise quietly innocent building. They are a super power that takes us beyond the normal abilities to exert force. Here at ZuluOneZero we love guns in games and other fantasy settings for their ability to embody drama, tension and action.